Monday, February 5, 2007

© 2007-2008 Hootin' Anni

I think of you in silence.
Yet, most always speak your name.
I have and hold fond memories,
'n your picture's within a golden frame.

I think of you, with special love;
I always hold you in my heart.
Five days into February -a special day
For years, we'd celebrate t'gether;
now I drop and pray!
And still, I weep; for you've left us--
Both now so, so far apart!

Chosen as my guardian angel.
Watching me from your place of rest.
Heaven just hasta be a beautiful place;
For God takes only the very best.

So, please God, I ask, look after him.
Don’t let my brother walk alone.
Broken, is the little sister's heart-
Still God, my brother now You own.

You'll always be my favorite big brother.
I miss your laughter and playing with me in the rain.
I see your face today and hope and pray
that someday, someday we'll meet again.

~written and posted by Hootin' Anni [your little sister] ©2007


Today, February 5th, 2007, my brother would have celebrated his 70th birthday
He died from a blood clot to his brain two years ago last December.
Tho, for several years, he became the 'estranged' brother for us all---
My memories of growing up as the younger 'baby' sister he was always there, protecting me.
Until he divorced and moved out of state, we were best of buds!! Close as close that we could be.

He taught me many things that only a big brother could. How to drive, how to respect and use a gun properly[ya, he was the great white hunter], how to play billiards, shoot baskets, fish, even how to pick locks! LOL -- I learned a lot from him. How to laugh, how to have good relations with other to live.

He served in the United States Marine Corps during the last years of the Korean Conflict
and I can still remember the day he walked into our back yard unannounced, of his homecoming.
I was at the kitchen window, doing dishes, atop a step ladder, so I could reach the sink!
I can still see his brown khaki USMC uniform and his military duffle back slung over his shoulder.

I recall I screamed, and broke a few glasses jumping down to rush out and hug my big brother once again!! Registered & Protected

Blog Archive

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I am a proud author of a photo album published through Amazon. A book of over 200 birds photographed by me throughout South Coastal Texas.. Retired, living in the coastal area of the Gulf of Mexico. -enjoying the sand and surf. I have these titles: daughter, sister, wife, mother and grandmother of two grandsons.

I enjoy music, movies, beach combing, pencil sketching, crocheting, and dabble in watercolor painting. My obsession: photography skills; and birding along the Coastal Birding Trails in our area.

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